tag sequence中文什么意思

发音:   用"tag sequence"造句
  • tag:    n. 捉迷藏。 vt. (玩捉迷藏时 ...
  • sequence:    n. 1.继续;接续;连续。 2.顺 ...
  • expressed sequence tag:    已表达序列标志[基因组中已得到体外表 ...
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  1. Detection of dna tag sequences for rapid identification of yersinia pestis
  2. Among sequenced 16 positive clones randomly selected , two represent novel expression tag sequences , two are homologous to two unknown proteins in genbank ; the rest are homologous to known or putative proteins or enzymes with definite functions by searching the genbank through blast program , which are involved in various life activities of cell such as regulation of gene expression , plant secondary metabolism , signal transduction , adversity resistance , stress response and defense reaction . significant changes of quantities of these gene fragments were observed before and after ssh , which indicated they were enriched after ssh
    随机挑选了16个差异表达的克隆进行序列测定,经与genbank数据库相关数据比较分析,发现有2个新的cdna片段( ets ) ,有12序列与genbank中已知蛋白或推测蛋白质( putativeprotein )序列有高低不同的同源性,它们参与基因的表达调控、植物的次生代谢、信号传导、抗逆、应激及防御反应等细胞生命活动过程。
  3. At first , the text is segmented to words and converted to a sequence of part - of - speech tags ; then based on the pos tags sequence parameters and phrase - break distance information from training , markov model is used to get the most likely phrase break sequence


  1. tag reader puncher 什么意思
  2. tag recovery 什么意思
  3. tag register 什么意思
  4. tag ridings 什么意思
  5. tag sale 什么意思
  6. tag set 什么意思
  7. tag slot 什么意思
  8. tag sort 什么意思
  9. tag splice 什么意思
  10. tag stock 什么意思


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